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CII 2023-2024 Ideation Update

November 17, 2023

As a member-led organization, CII depends on the valuable input of its members to pinpoint key areas of interest for R&D initiatives. These areas encompass both research initiatives, such as the traditional two-year Research Teams, and development initiatives focused on professional development or the creation of resources facilitating the application of CII research outcomes by its members.

As we conclude another ideation cycle, CII is pleased to share the results of this year's process. At the 2023 Fall Board Meeting held on November 6-7, members of the CII Board of Advisors were organized into six groups to review and rank the 11 key topics under consideration for 2024. The figure below outlines the outcomes of the Board of Advisors' ranking exercise, with topics arranged based on feedback from the Board of Advisors.

The 2023-24 Ideation process was launched during the CII Spring Board of Advisors meeting and drew support from various CII committees and CBAs. From the 43 ideas generated, a Task Force, comprising leaders of CII Leadership and Standing Committees, evaluated and selected 11 ideas for presentation to the Board of Advisors.

Looking ahead, CII staff will incorporate the BOA's input to strategically plan for these initiatives. In addition to the BOA's guidance, considerations will include funding availability, ideal timing, and resource requirements for each initiative. The aim is to launch Research Teams within the traditional timeline, with nominations commencing in February and concluding post-BOA meeting, and kickoffs scheduled for July. Development initiatives will follow timelines determined by CII's resourcing capabilities, with further details to be disclosed in the CII Spring BOA meeting.

As we anticipate the commencement of next year's process, we reflect on the lessons learned from this year and extend our gratitude to all the members supporting this process, including members of 
standing committees, CBAs, and BOA members for their invaluable input.

For any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to Daniel Oliveira at