Advanced Building Technology (ABT) Matrix
The cost of industrial building construction has risen dramatically in recent years. Excessive construction costs have eroded the competitive position of the U.S. construction industry and are having a similar impact on the manufacturing industry by preventing it from building new plants and modernizing existing ones. A large number of projects have been abandoned because the cost of construction has become such as a large component of a corporation’s cash flow. The decline will continue until construction firms lower costs and improve techniques to the point where growth is worth the risk and investment.
An effective solution to the above problems is the introduction of new technologies that enhance the quality of the building product, increase construction efficiency, and decrease costs. In order for new technologies to be incorporated in building construction, however, they must first be identified and evaluated during the project design phase and the construction planning phase.
In most organizations it is typically assumed that architects and engineers will initiate and be responsible for the introduction of new building technologies through research and evaluation. Often, however, these professionals are not given the necessary time nor the incentive to do so. Practicing A/Es have admitted that their typical information base on available and future technologies is limited to one or two magazine articles or advertisements. This is a direct result of the fact that many owner, design, and construction organizations do not provide a systematic procedure for the transfer of new technology into their operations.
The purpose of this study is to assist the construction and manufacturing industries in becoming more efficient and cost effective through the introduction and broad use of new technologies. Approximately 50% of construction costs in light industrial and commercial building construction are related directly to enclosure and structural systems. Since these systems are common among industrial buildings, the identification and adoption of effective and efficient technologies in these areas is major step towards improving quality, reducing costs, and expediting schedules.
This information system was developed for advanced building technologies documented 151 promising ABTs for the enclosures systems of light industrial and commercial buildings. Note, this information system is archived and no longer supported. (SD-42, p. 1-1)