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Projects and Competition of the Future

Publication No
Research & Development Product
Publication Date
Dec 01, 1992
Research Team
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This report summarizes the research sponsored by the CII Construction 2000 Task Force to identify trends that will influence projects and competition of the future. This publication is intended for senior managers, strategic planners, managers responsible for facility engineering and construction, and operations managers in owners’ and contractors’ organizations.

Key differences in future project operations may include:

  • Global markets for manufactured goods and for engineering and construction services
  • New forms of project development such as build, own, transfer
  • Continuous process improvement or total quality management
  • Significant resource constraints, such as engineers, skilled craft, and perhaps critical permanent equipment and materials of construction
  • Use of advanced information technology
  • Increased offsite fabrication.

Differing technical attributes of future facilities may include:

  • Decreased project size and greater emphasis on retrofit
  • Increased concern for employee and public safety
  • Further waste minimization and environmental protection
  • Increased product quality and greater production flexibility
  • Fully distributed control systems for process plants
  • Increased scope of mechanical and electrical systems in buildings to conserve energy and improve indoor air quality.

To remain competitive in markets that are increasingly global, construction’s customers may demand improved performance and increased cost effectiveness of future facilities. Owners, in turn, may place new demands on their organizations and their suppliers, including design and construction. These new demands pose major challenges for engineering and construction in the next decade. With anticipation and preparation, engineers and contractors can gain new competitive advantages. Even a single action can create a significant competitive advantage for an engineering or construction firm.

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Knowledge Area
Research Topic
Construction 2000
Competition, future competitiveness, year 2000, rt17