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Publication No
Education Material
Publication Date
Jul 01, 2014
Research Team
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CII defines constructability as “the optimal use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operations to achieve overall project objectives.” The benefits of an effective constructability program include: Reduces overall project cost by 4.3% on average Reduces overall project schedule by 7.5% on average Improves project quality (maintainability, reliability, and operability) Improves project safety, security, and environmental impact Minimizes rework and rescheduling on the project Companies with formal constructability programs will likely have cost effective construction on their projects due in part to greater teamwork and communications. To achieve maximum benefit from the constructability program, it should be introduced early in the project and continued throughout the design and construction phases. Commitment to constructability is the responsibility of the entire team; however, the owner is the driving force behind the success of the program. Companies should assess their current constructability program, identify the barriers, eliminate the barriers, and propose methods for overcoming barriers to constructability and evaluate preferable barrier breakers. Most knowledgeable industry professionals agree that constructability is key to project success. Savings associated with effective constructability programs represent a 10:1 return on the owner’s investment in the constructability effort. The CII 2003 BM&M Value of Best Practices Report states that from the contractors’ perspective, Constructability Implementation ranks: Second in schedule reduction impact – Thus, project managers should aggressively implement Constructability on schedule-driven and schedule-critical projects. Third in cost savings impact – The message is clear: If cost performance success is an objective, don't neglect constructability.
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Best Practice
Research Topic
Constructability Implementation
Constructability Implementation Roadmap, Constructability program maturity, Barriers to Constructability, Constructability Implementation Guide, Constructability Implementation Tools, rt34