Construction Technology Needs Assessment Update
The construction industry is passive in regards to the use of technology during construction activities. Prospects for future industrial development point to a growing use of technology in all industry sectors. Currently, technology is predominantly being developed in other industries and may later be adopted and modified by the construction industry without much structure and guidance. In addition, the construction industry lacks a clear definition of technologies that are actually needed to achieve excellence in the four target areas of cost, schedule, safety, and quality.
The purpose of this study is therefore to identify and analyze current needs for technologies and present them in a structured framework of what is needed most and how it should be achieved. The report describes the work done during an assessment of future technology needs in the construction industry. The research team conducted a survey and a thorough literature review of previous needs assessments for the construction industry and topics related to technology in construction, their development, implementation, and relation to the situation of the construction work force.
Survey respondents highlighted the need for integrated systems for planning and executing construction projects that are geared towards improving the actual field operations, the need for improved communication between the project participants as well as within the construction industry at large, and the need for a structured approach to the issue of technological innovation. Based on the knowledge gained in the study, the researchers developed the Technology Implementation Cycle as a viable way of integrating all parties in the construction industry in a process of continuous evaluation and development of better technologies, having a benefit with regard to cost, time, safety, or quality. Application of the Technology Implementation Cycle will enable the construction industry to become a dynamic entity that sets its own technology R&D agenda and embraces innovation through technology.