Project Management Competency Development: Tools, Games, and Exercises
In its investigation into which project management skills will be most needed by industry in 2022, CII Research Team (RT) 281 found that significant long-term shifts are occurring in PM duties and responsibilities. The research team identified 14 competencies that will allow future PMs to successfully address emerging workforce configurations, new demands imposed by rapid globalization, the already overwhelming amount of information generated by ever-advancing technologies, and untraditional organizational structures imposed by new business models and multiple customers.
The broad term “competency” describes the combination of behaviors, knowledge, skills, and techniques, learned and honed over time—normally months to years. The competency blend that needs emphasis will change as times and circumstances change. The 14 competencies identified by RT 281 are the ones that should be acquired, mastered, applied, and emphasized over the next decade. This blend should also be applied to educational and on-the-job training (OJT) efforts.
There is considerable synergy and some overlap among the competencies. Nevertheless, each competency on the list was chosen to emphasize a specific area that the team deemed essential to overcoming the disruptive trends that lie ahead. The PM competencies of the future fall into four primary areas: 1) technical/virtual, 2) management, 3) cognitive, and 4) leadership.