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Project Delivery System Selection Workbook

Publication No
Publication Date
Dec 01, 1999
Research Team
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The Project Delivery System Selector is based on an analysis of 351 general building projects built in the U.S. from 1990 to 1996. Industry perspectives, experiences, and lessons learned have also been incorporated. This manual guides an owner, planner, or stakeholder of a facility through a research-based project delivery selection process. The user achieves three results by using this guide. They are:

  1. A better understanding of the proven performance of each project delivery system and how it can impact their business
  2. A project delivery system best suited for their particular facility goals
  3. An awareness of project characteristics of highly successful projects and ways to create these characteristics on their project, regardless of which project delivery system is used

This guide takes the core lessons learned from a variety of public and private sector clients and has packaged them in the form of suggested practices for the user to consider when faced with project delivery decisions. Of particular importance is the ability to recognize that certain project characteristics consistently appear on the highest performing projects. These characteristics thus are considered extremely critical to the success of a project, regardless of the project delivery system employed.

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Industry Group
Research Topic
Design-build, Design-bid-build, CM at Risk, Project Delivery Method, Contracting, Construction Management, rt133