Lifecycle Cost Estimation for Facilities and Healthcare
CII’s Facilities and Healthcare Sector Committee (FHC) challenged Research Team FHC-02 (RT-FHC-02) to consider the economic benefits of high-performance buildings, including integrating holistic benefits such as occupant health and productivity and the environment. The team reviewed standards, guidelines, data sources, and tools to identify opportunities for project teams to improve the quality and performance of the built environment and pulled together a wealth of existing knowledge.
This review was followed by a gap analysis that identified the needs for research and development of new resources, and the barriers to implementing lifecycle value analysis. The research considered three categories of assessment: cost, environmental, and occupant, which are often referred to as the “triple bottom line.”
The research determined the state-of-practice methodologies in facility life cycle costing (LCC) and the resources required for these cost calculations. This book, the team's final report, discusses some of the critical gaps in the existing standards, but also offers guidelines, data sources, and tools. It pinpoints the areas of life cycle value assessment that require additional research before they can be implemented.