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Evaluation of Voice Recognition Technology

Publication No
Academic Document
Publication Date
Jun 02, 1992
Research Team
Key Findings
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Voice Recognition is one of several automatic identification technologies; each of these has one common characteristic, that they are used to automatically enter data into a computer without resort to a keyboard. Voice has the potential to be the most important of all such technologies because the human can enter data simply by speaking. The state of the art is such that this cannot be achieved without several limitations although there are many applications where voice recognition is the only logical choice of data entry; these are referred to as “eyes busy, hands busy” applications and those where handicapped persons are the users.

The commercial systems today are primarily designed for office or production line use; that is, most of the systems have limited transportability, but there are some important ways in which both the stationary and mobile systems can be used in construction. If the user has some relatively simple, largely repetitive operations, voice can make a great difference in productivity and prove to be feasible in spite of the expense and training requirements.

People are using this technology in CAD design, materials takeoffs, and inspection. The researchers used a portable system to make a field inspection and are certain that materials receiving and safety inspections would also be excellent uses for voice recognition in construction. These capabilities have been demonstrated and found to be cost effective in other industries.

The report discusses the basics of the technology and the state of the art; costs and capabilities of the various commercial systems are shown, as well as some of the major applications. To determine whether VR is suitable for a particular user, the report provides information on planning and implementing a VR system.

Key Findings

The research discusses the basics of voice recognition technology (VR) and the state of the art; costs and capabilities of the various commercial systems, as well as some of the major applications. To determine whether VR is suitable for a particular user, the report also provides information on planning and implementing a VR system. (SD-76, p. 68)

The potential uses of voice technology in construction are significant and include both the home office and construction site. Nevertheless, this potential must be fully explored to yield reasonable economic benefits. VR technology is not cost effective if one simply buys an off the shelf piece of equipment and delivers it to the office or site. VR, like other technologies in automatic identification, must be part of a system, with clear productivity advantages. A careful study as to where the technology will be used, who will use it, and what should be accomplished by its use must precede any initiation of implementation of a voice system. Upper management must endorse and be responsible for this process if voice recognition is to have any opportunity to prove itself.

An important reason for using voice recognition in the near future is an activity or series of activities having characteristics such as "hands-busy, eyes-busy," continuous, and repetitive. The most likely field engineering and construction uses are quality inspection, safety inspection, materials takeoff, CAD, and materials handling. There are potential uses in contracting, purchasing, and other office situations where a great amount of keyboard entry is required. 
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Research Topic
Electronic Data Management
Interchange, Data Management, Integrated Environment, Integrated Data Environment, Bar Code, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Expert Systems, Voice Recognition, Automatic Identification, Information Systems, Commodity Code, Material Management System, rt20