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Engineering Productivity Measurement System

Publication No
Installable program
Publication Date
Apr 01, 2006
Research Team
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The Engineering Productivity Measurement System consists of this manual and the associated software. This manual will provide detailed instructions on the use of the software. However, the user is cautioned that the software arises from a statistical analysis of a particular database, and that attempts to use the results for cases too dissimilar from that database may produce inaccurate or misleading results. Accordingly, this manual will begin with a brief summary of the database and its development.

The data for this study were collected during the months of January–December 2002 from a group of engineering design firms and owner-operators that are members of CII (see Chapter 5). The large number and different types of organizations in CII provide a good target population for empirical studies. Data quality is indicated by the experience level of the person completing the questionnaire, which averaged 22.7 years.

In total, historical data on 118 projects were collected from 12 different companies. The projects can be categorized on a number of different dimensions.

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Research Topic
Engineering Productivity Measures II
Installed Quantities, Productivity, Engineering, Rework, Scope Creep, Effectiveness Factor, Scope Factor, Complexity Factor, Input Quality Factor, rt192