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Design for Maintainability Guidebook

Publication No
Publication Date
Oct 01, 1999
Research Team
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Design for maintainability is a corporate-level best practice that will assist all projects in contributing to improved profitability. Implementing design for maintainability is the start of a process journey toward improved return on project investment.

  • Design for maintainability integrates downstream experience and knowledge regarding cost-effective facility/plant operations and maintenance into project design parameters with the goal of reducing the costs to operate the facility for its expected life.
  • Effective design for maintainability is achieved though the integration of maintainability practices with the corporate-level best practice of the continuous improvement process.
  • This publication is a comprehensive package comprised of maintainability best practices in use today, a model process, and tools to help the user implement these best practices and achieve the model process.
  • The intent of the model process is to serve as a clearly defined ideal to aid in setting appropriate objectives and defining targets based on project requirements and available resources.
  • Achieving the model process goal is supported with tools to create or improve any of the best practices associated with maintainability. The intent is to get the user started on the process once the commitment is made.
  • A full corporate commitment is vital for successful implementation of design for maintainability to succeed.
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Research Topic
Design for Maintainability
Maintainability, Design, ROI - Return on Investment, Lessons Learned, Levels of Maintainability, Maintainability Model Process, Maintainability Tools, Maintainability Best Practices, rt142