CBA Safety Hidden Gem - Leading Indicators
We invite you to watch for a new output from CII’s Communities for Business Advancement (CBAs)! Members in these groups are preparing and posting a series of “Hidden Gem” blogs. The series extracts the most important information from that groups’ monthly session. Hidden Gem blogs share the important issues being discussed in each CBA meeting with a look at potential best practices to address them.
Our objective is to help you as a CII member, to begin to harvest some of the “gold” our CBAs are mining in the following subject areas:
Advanced Work Packaging, Modularization, Safety, Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, Project Control, Risk Management and Data Analytics – including hidden gems from our CII Data Warehouse.
On our website’s home page, under tab “Engage with CII,” and its subtab, “Attend an Event,” you will find the days and times of our CBA monthly meetings and the topics they will cover. The meeting topic list is updated on a quarterly basis. Please contact Robert Wible or the leader of a CBA if you are either interested in becoming a member of a CBA or wish to attend one of their upcoming meetings.
FIRST “CBA NUGGETS” BLOG OF 2024 - The CII Safety CBA: “Leading Indicators”
Construction Industry Institute Safety Community for Business Advancement during their February monthly meeting had a round table discussion of "Which Leading Indicators are predictive of TRIR, incidents” (see PDF of slide deck for reference).
The team’s conclusion was that worker behavior is key, which is influenced by Work Permit / Last Minute Risk Analysis quality and at times schedule/productivity pressure. A defect free WP/LMRA does not guarantee safe execution but is an important indicator as to the work crews’ attitude toward safety.
The foreman/frontline supervisor is the owner and controller of all the above, the antidote. If the foreman/frontline supervisor is experienced and safety conscious, he/she will demand the same from his workers, if not he will apply appropriate consequences to assure they comply. Therefore, the foreman is the key (with support from his superiors).
It is important for the frontline supervisor, to set the tone for the work crew and lead by example. The foreman's knowledge and behavior can greatly influence the safety culture of the team, and it is important for them to be experienced and safety-conscious. By prioritizing safety and communicating clearly, we can create a culture where safety is everyone's top priority. It's also essential to provide ongoing training and support to ensure that all team members are equipped to handle unexpected situations safely and effectively.
Also crucial, is to have a process in place for handling last-minute changes. Rather than reacting impulsively, it's important for the foreman to stop, assess the situation, and update the safety plan accordingly. This not only ensures the safety of the work crew but also helps to prevent costly delays or accidents.
So foreman knowledge and behavior is the best indicator.
Do you agree?
Notes – items of additional interest:
Opportunity to Engage: On March 13, the CII Safety CBA topic will be “Artificial Intelligence impact on Training,” led by Sogand Hasanzadeh. You will NOT want to miss this discussion. Please contact CII’s Robert Wible, if you wish to receive an invitation to this session.
Slide deck for 'Which Leading Indicators Impact TRIR?' below:
Our objective is to help you as a CII member, to begin to harvest some of the “gold” our CBAs are mining in the following subject areas:
Advanced Work Packaging, Modularization, Safety, Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, Project Control, Risk Management and Data Analytics – including hidden gems from our CII Data Warehouse.
On our website’s home page, under tab “Engage with CII,” and its subtab, “Attend an Event,” you will find the days and times of our CBA monthly meetings and the topics they will cover. The meeting topic list is updated on a quarterly basis. Please contact Robert Wible or the leader of a CBA if you are either interested in becoming a member of a CBA or wish to attend one of their upcoming meetings.
FIRST “CBA NUGGETS” BLOG OF 2024 - The CII Safety CBA: “Leading Indicators”
Construction Industry Institute Safety Community for Business Advancement during their February monthly meeting had a round table discussion of "Which Leading Indicators are predictive of TRIR, incidents” (see PDF of slide deck for reference).
The team’s conclusion was that worker behavior is key, which is influenced by Work Permit / Last Minute Risk Analysis quality and at times schedule/productivity pressure. A defect free WP/LMRA does not guarantee safe execution but is an important indicator as to the work crews’ attitude toward safety.
The foreman/frontline supervisor is the owner and controller of all the above, the antidote. If the foreman/frontline supervisor is experienced and safety conscious, he/she will demand the same from his workers, if not he will apply appropriate consequences to assure they comply. Therefore, the foreman is the key (with support from his superiors).
It is important for the frontline supervisor, to set the tone for the work crew and lead by example. The foreman's knowledge and behavior can greatly influence the safety culture of the team, and it is important for them to be experienced and safety-conscious. By prioritizing safety and communicating clearly, we can create a culture where safety is everyone's top priority. It's also essential to provide ongoing training and support to ensure that all team members are equipped to handle unexpected situations safely and effectively.
Also crucial, is to have a process in place for handling last-minute changes. Rather than reacting impulsively, it's important for the foreman to stop, assess the situation, and update the safety plan accordingly. This not only ensures the safety of the work crew but also helps to prevent costly delays or accidents.
So foreman knowledge and behavior is the best indicator.
Do you agree?
Notes – items of additional interest:
- CII RT–412 study has sent out a survey questionnaire to CII on Feb 16th via the following link: The survey will help identify effective safety practices and highlight which leading indicators have a relationship with lagging metrics (including TRIR).
- CII RT-321 High Impact Low Frequency Precursors included Quality/experienced foreman, quality Pre job task discussion and schedule/productivity pressure.
- CII RT-414 Developing the Next Generation of Frontline Supervisors
Opportunity to Engage: On March 13, the CII Safety CBA topic will be “Artificial Intelligence impact on Training,” led by Sogand Hasanzadeh. You will NOT want to miss this discussion. Please contact CII’s Robert Wible, if you wish to receive an invitation to this session.
Slide deck for 'Which Leading Indicators Impact TRIR?' below: