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A Business Case Analysis Guide and Tools for Industrial Modularization

Publication No
Implementation Resource
Publication Date
Oct 01, 2023
Research Team
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RT-396 created this guide and three supporting tools to provide a structured approach to assessing, selecting, and implementing modularization strategies. By adhering to the recommendations and harnessing the power of these tools, project stakeholders can attain a profound understanding of the implications of modularization on various project facets. This, in turn, empowers them to make well-informed decisions, ensuring they maximize the benefits in their modularization endeavors.

This modularization business case analysis guide supports three tools for industrial modularization:

  • The Modularization Business Case Analysis Tool for Opportunity Framing equips its users to make informed decisions about modularization by evaluating key drivers and considerations at a high level. Using this tool helps users determine the potential benefits of modularization for projects during the Execution phase. Positive indications from this analysis prompt users to delve more deeply into the quantitative assessment by using the next tool.
  • The Modularization Business Case Analysis Tool for Assessment and Selection can be implemented early in the project during Opportunity Framing, but its true value is realized when it is applied during the Assessment phase. This tool provides a comprehensive analysis of costs and savings linked to varying percentages of modularization, allowing users to pinpoint the optimal level that minimizes costs while maximizing benefits and result in successful project completion. The user will need to understand modular execution and design to effectively provide the information and data required to complete this tool.
  • The ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Modularization Assessment Tool guides users in crafting modularization strategies that align with ESG considerations. The tool generates ESG scores based on modularization strategies for positive ESG factors, alongside rankings for negative or neutral factors.
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Modularization Business Case Analysis